
django-storages-s3upload provides forms and views for direct HTTP post to S3. It is an addition for the Amazon S3 boto storage backend provided by django-storages.

Please be VERY careful with security considerations, and check you know exactly what is happening. S3 HTTP POST upload will overwrite existing files if the key matches. You will want to limit uploads to trusted users, and use unique key prefixes. You will want to make sure that any processing of uploaded files is safe.

See also:

The goals of this Django app are to:

  • Create signed forms for posting files directly in to Amazon S3 buckets.
  • Provide views so that it is possible to process files which have been successfully uploaded.
  • Provide an extended form class which uses dropzone.js for handling multiple uploads with thumbnails and progress bars.

Quick Start

If you already have an Amazon S3 Boto backend configured as your project’s DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE, then it’s easy to get an example going by extending S3UploadFormView or DropzoneS3UploadFormView:

class MyFormView(DropzoneS3UploadFormView):

    upload_to = 'test-uploads/'